Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
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Thursday, May 8

7:59am MDT

8:00am MDT

8:30am MDT

9:00am MDT

1:00pm MDT

1:30pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

2:45pm MDT

3:14pm MDT

3:15pm MDT

Building Readers and Writers Through Engaging with Place-based Sustainability Issues RavenRachel Tidd • Ivy Waite • Jamie Groeller Challenging Social Constructs through Outdoor Learning ButterflyLaura Jackman Climate Change 101 HuronDr. Ellorie McKnight Dramatized Animal Hikes - Stories, Movement and Activities to help children connect to local animals. OwlJacob Rodenburg Everyday Curriculum in the School Garden DeerKarine Cere • Marie-Pascale Brown Nature through our senses TurtleDr. Sama AlMaarofi Taking The Lorax Outside as a Literacy Dramatic Activity to Highlight the Urgency in Environmental & Climate Change Education BeaverDr. Shelley Korudz • Sandy Margetts • Christine Michaleski Embrace This Place! Cultivate Your Own Place-Based Teaching Practice at the Banff Centre CougarJenn Doeve Empathy, Immunity and Nature: The Symbiotic Relationship Forged Through Play MooseAdam Bienenstock Outdoor learning for students with complex needs: all you need is an open mind! L’apprentissage en plein air pour élèves ayant des besoins complexes: tout ce qu’il faut, c'est l'esprit ouvert! SnailCarolyn Fornataro • Carolyn Johnston Playing Outside the Box: Building Boardgames with Found Objects in Nature PorcupineJennifer Ball Relations and Resilience: Intra-connecting with Land and Place through Hands-on Metaphor OtterAlisa Paul • Patrick Robertson Sitting With Nature: Weaving Together Curriculum, Nature, and Emergent Learning RaccoonLauren MacLean Ani to Pisi - Creating Community on the Land 203Michelle Bamford • Therese Wiart Jenkinson Land as Our Teacher: Learning From and With the Land, Guided by 4Rs of Indigenous Land-Based Education 201Gillianne Mundell • Scot Gillam Land as Teacher-a settler perspective on incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing and being on the land BearDenise Hammond Relationship & ReconciliACTION: Weaving Reconciliation, Community & Land-Based Learning ChickadeeDaryl Kootenay • Adam Robb Whispers of the Earth ToadLauna Purcell • Sherelle Anderson

4:30pm MDT

5:30pm MDT

7:00pm MDT

8:29pm MDT

8:30pm MDT

Outdoor Learning Conference 2025
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