About me
Starlene is a Child & Youth Worker, Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE), Ontario Certified Teacher and a Forest and Nature School Practitioner. As a daughter, wife, mother, auntie, friend, and educator – she works to inspire both children and adults to make positive lasting relationships with all the beings who live on the Land. One of her core beliefs is that relationships start with connection and respect. Learning to respect each other (body, mind, heart and spirit) and the materials and space we share helps us to deepen connections and build lasting, caring relationships. As one of the founders of the Exploring Nature: Outdoor Learning Program (OLP), Starlene runs the first 4 weeks of 8 weeks of OLP at the CCLC during the summer with school aged children. She is proud to say that she founded OLP alongside Kim Squires in 2016. Starlene has applied to complete her Master’s with the Family Relations and Human Relations department at the University of Guelph. Her Master’s work will be focused on risky-play in relation to Early Childhood Educators and children between 2-4 years of age. Starlene has worked as a RECE at the University of Guelph Child Care and Learning Centre for the past 22 year