About me
Dr. Rosanna Ruiz has over 30 years of expertise in environmental education, conservation, and program development. She began her career as a naturalist for the City of Anaheim, which laid the foundation for her work in land conservation. At Sierra Foothill Conservancy, an accredited land trust, she developed and facilitated inclusive outdoor programs. She also instructed K-12 students at Fresno County’s Scout Island Outdoor Education Center. Currently, Dr. Ruiz is faculty at California State University, Fresno. She also facilitates the UC California Naturalist and Climate Stewards certification programs, leads Project WILD and PLT programs, is an NAI Certified Interpretive Guide, is faculty for the Morpho Institute, and holds Environmental Educator Certification through the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education. Her doctoral research explored the transformative power of awe in outdoor experiences, fostering deeper connections with nature and self.