Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Venue: Cougar clear filter
Thursday, May 8

3:15pm MDT

Embrace This Place! Cultivate Your Own Place-Based Teaching Practice at the Banff Centre LIMITED
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
So you're already on board with teaching outside of the classroom... Now you're just trying to figure out how you can do more of it, and how you can use your off-site trips to design meaningful, purpose-driven instruction. If this is you, now is the time to build your place-based instructional practice!

A place-based practice is all about the way you perceive and engage with your surroundings. In this mini fieldwork session, you'll have the opportunity to expand the way you think about "place" as we discover and explore the Banff Centre campus together. You'll learn strategies and techniques to situate yourself, notice deeper, and cultivate your own curiosity. You'll leave with plenty of ideas and techniques to continue your place-based practice in your unique school surroundings. Bring a journal and come prepared to explore this special place!
avatar for Jenn Doeve

Jenn Doeve

Founder & Facilitator, Yellow Steps Community Learning
Jenn is a former Calgary teacher and founder of Yellow Steps where she designs and facilitates place-based school residencies. Born and raised in Calgary, her local residencies reconnect students and teachers to their surroundings, creating shared learning experiences that are memorable... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Friday, May 9

11:00am MDT

Building communities of care LIMITED
Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm MDT
This workshop focuses on teambuilding through hands on learning activities. It uses relational approaches to help create space for individuals to work together and engage in activities that supports students’ sense of belonging and well-being. These activities are most beneficial when implemented outdoors. They can be adapted for a wide range of ages. The activities encourage communication, reflection, expression and collaboration. They will show students the importance of working together and supporting one another which is essential in educational settings and contributes to students’ well-being. When students feel included and have strong connections and relationships with their peers they are more likely to be successful in other areas of learning.
avatar for Laurel Donison

Laurel Donison

PhD Student, Kings Western University, Brock University and Peel District School Board
"Laurel Donison is an Early Childhood Educator, an Outdoor Educator with the Peel District School Board and a PhD student in the Child and Youth Studies Department at Brock University in Ontario. Laurel works as an Outdoor Educator in a forest on the traditional territories of the... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm MDT

3:15pm MDT

Connecter l'esprit et le corps en nature: une approche immersive pour les éducateurs et les élèves LIMITED
Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Plongez dans un atelier dédié aux éducateurs et conçu pour révéler les nombreux bienfaits de l’éducation en plein air. Découvrez comment intégrer des pratiques de pleine conscience dans votre quotidien professionnel. À travers des activités adaptées à la fois à la nature et aux espaces urbains, vous apprendrez à réduire le stress, et à adopter des rituels de bien-être qui favorisent le soin de soi. Ces pratiques, simples et accessibles, pourront être intégrées dans votre routine et partagées avec vos élèves pour modéliser des comportements de santé mentale positifs.

Plus qu'un simple apprentissage éducatif, cet atelier vous offrira des clés pour améliorer votre bien-être mental tout en permettant à vos élèves de bénéficier indirectement de ces bienfaits. Venez découvrir comment ancrer la pleine conscience dans votre environnement de travail et dans la vie scolaire, afin de nourrir vos propres pratiques et, par extension, celles de vos élèves. Un moment de ressourcement et de partage à ne pas manquer !

Marieke Herrera

Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre Est
Marieke has nearly 30 years of experience working with children and adults focusing on education. She taught French as a second language to RCMP members and to English speaking parents of her school board. Marieke was a facilitator in Nortel’s LearnIT workshops (teaching Internet... Read More →

Elizabeth Bianchi

"For over 30 years, I’ve dedicated my career to Early Childhood Education, but it wasn’t until the challenges of COVID-19 that I truly discovered the transformative power of nature. During the isolation of lockdowns, I started taking daily walks outside. This not only lifted my... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Saturday, May 10

9:45am MDT

Exploring, Engaging, Journaling: Outdoor Learning to Cultivate Well-Being LIMITED
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
Today's curriculum is often packed with content, creating pressure and stress for both students and educators. Incorporating regular outdoor learning opportunities into the curriculum can alleviate stress, foster well-being, and encourage a more positive mindset.

Let`s explore simple, practical activities that take students outdoors on a regular basis, to engage with their environment through place-based learning. These activities are designed to promote curiosity, mindfulness, and meaningful connections with nature, benefiting both students and educators.

Through intentional exploration, observation, and journaling, students will learn how to document their discoveries, reflect on their experiences, and engage in thoughtful discussions. This nature-inspired journaling session will help students capture details and insights while building calmness and emotional resilience.
avatar for Kelly Fahey

Kelly Fahey

Teacher, Morin Heights Elementary School
Kelly Fahey is an educator and teacher mentor with a Master’s Degree in Leadership Education who shifts the curriculum to the outdoors for place-based pedagogy. She managed an outdoor education center - Arundel Nature and Science Centre, regularly develops outdoor pedagogy, transformed... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
Outdoor Learning Conference 2025
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