Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
Partie 1
Dans cet atelier, nous vous présenterons des ressources francophones pour aller à la rencontre des peuples autochtones. Ensemble, nous découvrirons des livres et des sites web afin de mieux tisser les savoirs autochtones dans notre pédagogie en nature dans un contexte francophone. Nous mettrons également à l'avant-plan des exemples d’occasions de collaboration qui découlent du fait d’être tous deux dans un contexte de minorité langagière.
In this workshop we will share different French-language resources to better weave indigenous knowledge into our outdoor learning in a francophone context. We will also highlight examples of collaborative opportunities between french speaking communities and indigenous communities that arise from both being in a minority-language context.

Julie McLean

École élémentaire et secondaire publique Rivière Rideau, Child and Nature Alliance of Canada
Julie is a teacher who is passionate about outdoor education in all its forms. She currently teaches outdoor sciences and is the coordinator of a forest and nature school program in a Franco-Ontarian school where she coaches and mentors other educators in implementing this type of... Read More →


Conseil de la Nation Huronne-Wendat
"Cynthia Lapierre yiatsih. Franco-Ontarienne chia' Wendat endi'. Yänionnyen' iwayitiohkou'tenh. My name is Cynthia Lapierre. I am Franco-Ontarienne and Wendat. I am Bear Clan. I have called many Lands home. I was born and raised on the traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
Great Blue Heron

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