Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
One of the things I make sure non-Indigenous people understand is we don’t need you to help heal us, we need you to fix yourselves.” (Murray Sinclair)

In this session, participants will gather and exchange experiences through activity and conversation about how they as educators are working towards respectfully and meaningfully integrating Indigenous ways of knowing into their pedagogy. I enter into this space with ultimate humility as a white settler Canadian teacher, but also as an act of genuine respect and reconciliation. To start the session, participants will take part in a few activities transferable to their own learners/clients. As a teacher who still continues to work in the classroom full-time, I hope to connect with others with a view for practical implementation of ideas, using a workshop approach to facilitate a conversation, while also providing some ideas that teachers can walk out of their classrooms and use on “Monday morning."""

Jaime Groeller

Connect Charter School
Jaime Groeller is a settler Canadian who has been teaching for 15 years at a school with a focus on outdoor education and inquiry-based learning. This school is located in what is now often referred to as Calgary, Alberta, but is historically and currently known as Moh'kinstsis, Wîchispa... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT

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