Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
In our session we will be exploring the traditional teachings around eels in the Mi'kmaw culture while weaving this knowledge together with cross-curricular outcomes from varying topics in science, math, language and social studies. This is meant to be a template for a fully developed unit that fits into a Land & Sea Based Learning Guide that can be adapted by teachers to fit their grade and specific classroom. The guide will be organized around the cultural activities, rather than the outcomes, in order to demonstrate how a land-based activity can bring together different topics and subjects in a way that makes more sense to learners. How to adapt the teachings and learning experiences to specific grades and school settings, as well as how to evaluate the learning experiences will also be discussed.

Jennifer Sawlor

STEM Mentor, Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey
My name is Jen and I am a passionate educator, nature lover, and ally of Indigenous peoples and their teachings. In my 22 year education career, I have worked as a teacher in many different types of school systems in culturally diverse communities across Canada and the world. For... Read More →

Anika Braithwaite

Wagmatcookewey School - Wagmatcook First Nation
Anika is a dedicated, passionate teacher who goes above and beyond for her students. She's been actively pursuing professional development in areas like STEM and land-based learning for many years and is constantly working collaboratively with other educators to bring Indigenous ways... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Great Blue Heron

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