Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
As Dr. Albert Marshall and Louise Zimanyi remind, in “Walking together,” that our doings as we go about learning and connecting with Land must be done “in a good way.” Embedding Indigenous perspectives in what we do as educators therefore calls on us to be good in the way we develop “content” and/or embed Indigenous perspectives. Through the listening experiences of ¢ik̓ku (robin) the session proposes to go through the process of embedding Indigenous knowledge in lessons aimed for outdoor learning. This will be achieved by creating hands-on activities and using them on the spot! Participants will leave with ready-to-use strategies, ideas from colleagues, and stories that stem from local places. They will also experience being, knowing, and doing. Working in a good way is a process that can be learned from a familiar more-than-human named ¢ik̓ku!
avatar for Faye O'Neil

Faye O'Neil

School District #5
"Faye O’Neil was born on her homelands of Ktunaxa ʔamaʔkis at the beginning of the headwaters of the miȼ̓qaqas akinmituk (Chickadee River/Columbia River) where she played in the water and on the land.  She shares Ktunaxa and European ancestry, is a community member of the ʔaq̓am... Read More →

Dr. Sylvie de Grandpré

Conseil Scolaire Francophone (SD#93)
Sylvie has been an energetic K-9 educator for 34 years. She is the principal of a new school where gardening, outdoor/environmental education, and Indigenous perspectives drive learning. She spends a lot of time outdoors with more-than-humans, whether deep in a forest or while strolling... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

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