Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT
This workshop involves guided immersive connection with the earth and exploration of the power of gratitude for this wondrous, miraculous, planet. The workshop also digs into opportunities for sharing this wonder and experiences of gratitude in a range of pedagogical and social contexts. The mindful wonder, or eco-spiritual, part of the workshop will follow what author Victoria Loorz calls Terra Divina – or a “divine conversation with the sacred land.” Participants will learn about and explore the four stages of this divine experience: wander (lectio), listen (meditatio), respond (oratio) and release (contemplation). We will then share our Terra Divina experiences in a talking circle. The workshop will conclude with a group discussion about how people of all ages can be guided to celebrate eco-spirituality, wonder and the revolutionary power of gratitude.
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Dr. Jenellen Good

Associate Professor, Brock University
Jennifer Ellen (Jenellen) Good (PhD Cornell University): I am a professor at Brock University and I research the role of communication in how people relate to the “natural environment.” More specifically, I explore intersections of screens and the climate crisis, materialism... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 9:45am - 11:00am MDT

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