Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Story books can be used to teach many subject areas in an out-of-doors setting. Many books incorporate thinking and inquiry skills used in meaningful contexts and can enrich your lessons. This session utilizes Dr. Seus's, The Lorax, to actively engage learners in the awareness of the necessity to urgently increase education in schools around environmental and climate change. Using this classic literature, presenters will lead the workshop outside using an interactive drama approach to build awareness and empathetic response to environmental matters in our communities and those around the world.

Dr. Shelley Korudz

Brandon University
Dr. Kokorudz has been an educator since 1985. She has worked as a teacher and administrator in various schools with students from K-12. She brought her experience with her to the Faculty of Education at Brandon University in 2010 as the field experience director in the undergraduate... Read More →

Sandy Margetts

Brandon University
Sandy has more than 50 years in education. She has experience as a classroom teacher and works as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Brandon University. Sandy's specialty is in math methods but has an additional expertise in nature-based learning, specifically with... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT

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