Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
Saturday May 10, 2025 2:00pm - 5:30pm MDT
Get to know your local birds using the magic of Merlin! Prior to the workshop, please download the Merlin app and then install the Canada West and your local bird packs so you’re ready to explore your local birds and the birds of Banff. Bring your binoculars too, if you have them.

The Merlin Bird ID app lets you discover which birds are sharing the land with you from season to season, by sight or sound. This app uses billions of eBird observations shared by participatory scientists from around the world to generate a list of potential birds based on your location and date. Its technology allows users to identify birds by sight, sound, or using a photo. We will explore the four clues to bird ID, research your local birds using the app, draw a focus bird, and then take a bird walk to gain real-life practice using these tools.
Session Host Speakers
avatar for Susan Licher

Susan Licher

K-12 Education Learning Coordinator, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University
Susan Licher is the K-12 Learning Coordinator at Cornell Lab of Ornithology where she develops and delivers transformational training for educators that supports them in connecting students to nature, strengthens their skills in using participatory (citizen) science, and increases... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 2:00pm - 5:30pm MDT
Kinnear Centre

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