Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
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Friday, May 9

11:00am MDT

Teaching Climate Science and Salmon Education in the Outdoors LIMITED
Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm MDT
In this interactive workshop, participants can expect to learn about the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA), and how they partner with the local Tribes, other non-profit community-based organizations, and their Educational Service District to facilitate professional development opportunities for K-12 teachers. This workshop will showcase hands-on examples of outdoor STEM activities that focus on sustainable fishing of salmon in the marine environment while also incorporating Tribal fisheries, climate science, and human action. In this workshop, participants can expect to learn how partners have implemented a unique and progressive statewide climate initiative to provide culturally appropriate climate education and resources for K-12 educators. Additionally, participants will learn how collaborative models for professional development can lead to successful funding proposals, increased outreach, and more broadly reaching teachers and their students.
avatar for Nathan Zabel

Nathan Zabel

Education Manager, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
Nathan manages the development, coordination, and implementation of NSEA’s Students for Salmon and Camp Keystone education programs, providing outreach and recruitment, communication with teachers and families, as well as program supervision and oversight. He also supports teacher... Read More →
avatar for Grace Maxa

Grace Maxa

Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
Grace coordinates the implementation of NSEA's Students for Salmon and Camp Keystone education programs. She spearheads the direct facilitation of both programs, connecting preschool and elementary aged youth to salmon and watershed education. She also supports NSEA's teacher training... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

Charting the Future of Outdoor Learning: Emerging Trends and Transformative Practices LIMITED
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Outdoor learning is evolving rapidly in response to global challenges like COVID, climate change, the growing emphasis on EDIAR, geopolitical shifts to the right, emerging technologies, and the growing mental health crises. How do we ensure it continues to meet societal needs while staying grounded in its foundational principles? In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore emerging trends, identify the future skills and knowledge outdoor educators will need, and discuss gaps in current pedagogical practices. Whether you are an educator, scholar, policymaker, or practitioner, your voice is essential in shaping the future of outdoor learning. Join this interactive workshop to engage in meaningful dialogue, contribute to impactful research, and leave equipped with new ideas and strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of outdoor learning. Join us to shape the conversation and co-create a vision for the future of outdoor learning. Your voice matters in this collaborative journey!

Janet Dyment

Acadia University
Janet Dyment currently works as a faculty member in the Department of Community Development at Acadia University, in Nova Scotia. She’s also worked at the University of Tasmania, Lakehead University, and the University of Boston. Prior to her academic appointments, she worked for... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

3:15pm MDT

Indigenous and Land-Based Education at Akinomaagayegaamikoong: A Reciprocal Model for Public Education LIMITED
Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about ways of being in relationship to land through the model used at the Indigenous and land-based learning centre, Akinomaagayegaamikoong in our school district. Spending time on the land, participants will make connections to the lands, relationships with treaty partners and bringing Indigenous Knowledges into outdoor education practices in a culturally sensitive manner.

The facilitators will walk participants through a model adapted from First Nations and Métis Math Voices in collaboration with our treaty partners that guides Indigenous and land-based learning at Akinomaagayegaamikoong. The adapted model integrates the 5Rs, UNDRIP, treaty rights, culture, language and inquiry-based education into land-based learning. We will use the model to illustrate a best practice in creating programming that reflects and centres local Nations and Indigenous students, and is good for all.

Jennifer Bailey

Upper Grand District School Board
Jennifer is a K-12 educator who has worked in the Upper Grand District School Board for the past 14 years. Prior to this, Jennifer taught Outdoor Education at Bark Lake Leadership Centre in Ontario, where she delivered a traditional Outdoor Education program, including leadership... Read More →

Jerica Fraser

Upper Grand District School Board
Jerica Fraser is a Rotinonhsión:ni (Kanien’kehá:ka) educator and the Indigenous Education Lead in the Upper Grand District School Board. Throughout her career, she has focused on anti-racism and anti-oppressive education not only in her classroom, but in the education system as... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Outdoor Learning Conference 2025
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