Welcome to the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference
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Thursday, May 8

3:15pm MDT

Outdoor learning for students with complex needs: all you need is an open mind! L’apprentissage en plein air pour élèves ayant des besoins complexes: tout ce qu’il faut, c'est l'esprit ouvert! LIMITED
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Participants will explore what it means to experience outdoor learning without limits. Often adults focus their well-meaning attention on the barriers present in outdoor learning for students with complex physical and communicative needs. This workshop shines light on the possibilities for all our learners engaging in outdoor learning and the importance of universal design when developing outdoor learning activities. Participants will ideally come away with a fresh appreciation for the wonder and awe of the natural world, as seen by children with complex needs.

Participants exploreront ce que signifie l’apprentissage en plein air sans limites. Souvent, les adultes concentrent leur attention bienveillante sur les obstacles à l’apprentissage en plein air pour les élèves ayant des besoins physiques et communicatifs complexes. Cet atelier met en lumière les possibilités pour tous nos apprenants de s’engager dans l’apprentissage en plein air et l’importance du design universel lors du développement d’activités et d’expériences d’apprentissage en plein air. Les participants en ressortiront idéalement avec une appréciation nouvelle de l’émerveillement et de la crainte du monde naturel, tels qu’ils sont vus par des enfants ayant des besoins complexes.
avatar for Carolyn Fornataro

Carolyn Fornataro

Special Education Teacher that teaches Phys.Ed/Health Core French in the Outdoors, CHEO School (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Section 68 School
I have a passion for teaching outdoors! Prior to working in the field of Education I worked in Therapeutic Recreation for the City of Ottawa. En tant qu’enseignante d’éducation physique et de santé à l’école CHEO d’Ottawa, ma pratique s’est considérablement développée... Read More →

Carolyn Johnston

CHEO School (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Section 68 School
Carolyn is a kindergarten and grade 1 special education teacher in Ottawa, and loves nothing more than learning alongside children in the outdoors! Carolyn’s commitment to outdoor learning was tested when she began teaching in a school located on the campus of a large hospital... Read More →
Thursday May 8, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Outdoor Learning Conference 2025
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